Lama Ole Nydahl
Lama Ole Nydahl is one of the few Westerners fully qualified as a lama and meditation teacher in the Karma Kagyu Buddhist tradition. In 1969, Ole Nydahl and his wife Hannah became the first Western students of H.H. the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa. After completing three years of Buddhist philosophy studies and intensive meditation training – including the transmission for a unique Diamond Way Buddhist practice called Conscious Dying (tib. Phowa) – Ole Nydahl began teaching Buddhism in Europe at the request of the 16th Karmapa.
Lama Ole has since transmitted the blessing of the lineage in a different city nearly every day, travelling and teaching worldwide. His depth of knowledge and dynamic teachings inspire thousands of people at his lectures and meditation retreats. Challenging people’s concepts of life and Buddhism in an unorthodox manner, Lama Ole has been a major driving force in bringing Buddhism to the West, and to date has established more than 600 Diamond Way Buddhist centres in 44 countries around the world. His unique synthesis of modern style and ancient wisdom helped create the largest body of students practicing Diamond Way Buddhist methods in the West.
Lama Ole is the author of several books including The Way Things Are; Entering the Diamond Way; Mahamudra; Riding the Tiger (all from Blue Dolphin Publishing, USA); and The Great Seal (Fire Wheel Publishing, USA).
Buddhism is a set of teachings on the nature of mind, which come from historical Buddha Shakyamuni who lived and taught over 2550 years ago in Northern India. The goal of Buddhist practice is reaching the state of complete awakening of the mind and constant happiness – the enlightenment. Everyone can realize that state, that is the reason, why Buddhism is called a religion of experience. There are many Buddhist traditions, schools and styles of practices. Diamond Way of Karma Kagyu lineage is the most fascinating area of the Buddhist teachings, suited for independent, joyfull people.
Karma Kagyu lineage
The Karma Kagyu lineage is one of the four main school of Tibetan Buddhism. Every single transmission, method, meditation or teaching in this lineage comes directly from Buddha. After his death the highest teachings were passed by realized masters, such as Tilopa, Naropa and Maitripa. They were then translated and brought to Tibet by Marpa and flourished there thanks to the activity of Milarepa and Gampopa. From the twelfth century the Karmapas are responsible for their transmission. Today the head of the Karma Kagyu school is H.H. 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje. His predecessor’s students such as Shamar Rinpoche, Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche, Jigme Rinpoche or Lama Ole Nydahl teach in various Diamond Way Karma Kagyu centers around the world.
More information: www.buddyzm.pl